
Welcome to the Hilltop website!

Thank you for your interest in our lovely community.  Hilltop was established in 1948 as a cooperative community where residents come together through participation at social events and work parties and enjoy a set of shared values that enrich our lives in countless ways.


Hilltop is a collaborative residential park whose intent and purpose are set forth in its original 1949 prospectus. 

  • The community and its members are governed by Hilltop’s recorded covenants, Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, Site Plan procedures and the intent and purpose set forth in the prospectus.
  • The forty lots are each restricted to a single-family residence and may not be subdivided. 
  • Homes were built for informal comfortable living rather than ostentatious display.
  • An attitude of cooperation was applied to the planning of the site and the design of each house.
  • One-quarter of Hilltop’s acreage is land owned in common including a playground, pool, park areas and a surrounding greenbelt.
  • The spirit of the founder group was one of tolerance and democracy, and these ideals and this spirit have continued for over 75 years.
  • Hilltop was designed to have a 1950s contemporary character with magnificent views and natural setting. Traditional style homes are not compatible with the character of the development. 
  • Our Site Plan Committee must review and approve building and remodeling plans. Each home site, homeowner, and situation are considered with discussion and involvement of the community member homeowner, the nearest neighbors, and the community.
  • By living collaboratively, our greatest strength lies in our community processes and our ability to work together. Through collaboration and honest and respectful discussions we resolve differences and build consensus.
For more information, please choose the For Prospective Members link on the left.